John Edwin Allin (1869 ~ 1933)
4.10.6. Sixth child of Jane Elford and Samuel Allin, John Edwin Allin, was born April 11, 1869, in Providence, Darlington Twp., Durham Co., Ontario.
He married Olive Laura Catherine Ellen Hislop, daughter of William Hislop and Mary Elizabeth Oke, December 23, 1914, in Bowmanville, Ontario and had two children:
( Samuel William (1916 ~ 2008)
( Alfred Hislop (1918 ~ 1997)
John E. Allin died December 14, 1933, aged 68 years, and Olive L. Hislop Allin died January 9, 1952, aged 65 years in Bowmanville, Ontario, and are interred at Bowmanville Cemetery.
----- MARRIAGE -----
A very quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. William Hislop, Elgin St., Wednesday afternoon, December 23, 1914, when his daughter Miss Olive Ellen, was united in marriage with Mr. John Edwin Allin, son of Mr. Samuel Allin, Allindale Farm, Lake Shore, West. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and the wedding march was played by Miss Annie E. Allin, sister of the groom. The bay window of the parlor was decorated with an arch of evergreens, holly and white bells where the bridal couple stood while the ceremony was performed by their pastor, Rev. H. B. Kenny. After congratulations and the serving of a splendid wedding dinner, the happy couple departed amidst a shower of good wishes and confetti for the G.T.R., station for a honeymoon trip west. The bride was attired in a tailored suit of dark brown serge with white silk crepe blouse and hat to match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Allin will reside at “Allindale Farm.” Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn and Miss Luella Hepburn, East Whitby. Bowmanville Statesman, Dec. 31, 1914.
----- OBITUARIES -----
John E. Allin
April 11, 1869 ~ December 14, 1933
John Edwin Allin was the third son of the late Samuel and Jane Elford Allin, and was born at the original Allin homestead on the town line between Darlington and Clarke in the 3rd Concession of Darlington. At 8 years of age he moved with his parents to the farm now the home of his brother, Charles and family. Later they moved to the Lakeshore farm called Allindale where John has since resided. About a year ago he was taken ill with hardening of the arteries and although everything that medical attention could devise and devoted nursing do to relieve, he passed away on Thursday evening. The funeral on Saturday afternoon was very largely attended and was conducted by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, his pastor, who spoke from the text, “He was a good man” and gave a very comforting message to the bereaved ones. Much sympathy is felt for his widow, nee Olive Hislop, and the two sons, Samuel and Alfred, also the brothers and sister—Albert, Wesley, Charles and Norman, and Miss Annie Allin. The pallbearers were three neighbours, Messrs. Cecil Bellman, Garnet Symons, F. Joness and three members of Trinity United Church Men’s Brotherhood of which John was a past president and very faithful member, Messrs. Neil Mutton, Hubert Smale and John Tabb.
Mr. John Allin was a successful farmer, good neighbour and very fond of his home and devoted to his family and will be much missed by his large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Among the relatives attending from a distance were: from Whitby, Mrs. R. G. Oke and son, Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broughton; from Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hancock; from Columbus, Mr. John Hislop, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ormiston; from Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. William Hepburn; from Enfield, Mr. George Ormiston, Mr. Harold Ormiston, Miss Verna Ormiston; from Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Allin, and others. Bowmanville Statesman, Dec. 21, 1933.
Olive E. Hislop Allin
February 16, 1886 ~ January 9, 1952
Following a lingering illness the death occurred at her residence, 64 Elgin Street, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, January 9, 1952, of Olive Hislop, beloved wife of the late John Edwin Allin in her 65th year.
Deceased was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Hislop who lived in Bowmanville for many years. Older citizens will recall that Mr. Hislop was at different times caretaker of the High School and later the Methodist Church. The deceased during her lifetime had lived in Darlington Township for many years. She later lived with a cousin, Mrs. W. Trenouth, at Napanee and since last spring had lived in Bowmanville.
A member of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, Mrs. Allin was an active member of both the Women’s Missionary Society and the Woman’s Association while her health permitted.
Predeceased by her husband some years ago, she is survived by two sons, Samuel of Bowmanville and Alfred, who is living on the homestead, Allindale Farm, Base Line, Darlington Township.
The funeral was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, January 11, conducted by Rev. S R. Henderson, minister of Trinity Church. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Edwin Ormiston, Charles Broughton, Norman Brown, Oscar Jamieson, Clare Allin, George F. Annis. Bowmanville Statesman, Jan. 17, 1952.