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Samuel Charles Allin  (1877 ~ 1968)


4.10.9. Ninth child of Jane Elford and Samuel Allin, Samuel Charles Allin, was born July 21, 1877, in Providence, Darlington Twp., Durham Co., Ontario.  

  He married Irene Edith Langmaid, daughter of Joseph Langmaid and Emeline Annis, December 11, 1907, in Provdence, Ontario and had five children: 


  • (  Dorothy Emeline  (1909 ~ 1985)    

  • (  Clare Edgar  (1910 ~ 1972)    

  • (  Ada Jane  (1911 ~ 1992)    

  • (  Annie Grace  (1916 ~ 2007)    

  • (  Charles George  (1920 ~ 1921)    


  S. Charles Allin died February 22, 1968, aged 90 years, and Irene E. Langmaid Allin died April 11, 1952, aged 65 years in Bowmanville, Ontario and are interred at Bowmanville Cemetery.



----- MARRIAGE -----



On Wednesday, December 11, 1907 at “Fairfield,” Darlington, the residence of Mr. Joseph Langmaid was the occasion of the marriage of his only daughter, Irene Edith to Mr. S. Charles Allin, son of Mr. Samuel Allin. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Jolliffe assisted by Rev. J. R. Butler. At 4 o’clock to the strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March played by Miss Annie Allin, sister of the groom, the bridal party entered the drawing room thebride being accompanied by her father. She appeared beautiful in an exquisite white lace gown received direct from Paris, a present from her brother Dr. C. A. Langmaid of England. This was worn over taffeta silk with the usual veil which was caught with a sunburst of pearls and she carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Mrs. Russell Langmaid who was herself recently a bride, was matron of honor. She wore white silk organdie with trimmings of lace and sequins and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss Georgie Langmiad, cousin of the bride, was maid in waiting and was prettily attired in white silk with trimmings of valenciennes insertion and lace and on her head she wore a wreath of holly. Little Marie Guy was flower girl and looked dainty in a pink silk dress with lace trimmings. She also wore a wreath of holly and carried a basket of holly. The drawing room was nicely decorated. The candle light showed to special advantage the decorations of which holly was one of the chief. The arch of holly and cedar with the posts in front and the bank behind being composed of holly and cedar also made a very pretty scene while the ceremony was being performed. Immediately after the ceremony Miss Annie Annis, cousin of the bride, sang a solo “O Perfect Love” in her usual sweet tones. At the conclusion of the ceremony a dinner was served to about sixty guests. The dining-room and the tables were decorated after the same manner as the drawing room. The groom’s gift to the bride was a silver cabinet and to the matron of honor he gave a pearl crescent, and to the maid in waiting, and the flower girl he gave each a very pretty brooch.

  The bride’s travelling suit was green chiffon broadcloth with a cream silk lace blouse with trimmings of satin ribbons and a great hat to match. She also wore a fine Persian lamb coat. Mr. and Mrs. Allin will spend their honeymoon in the United Kingdom and on the continent of Europe. They intend spending some time with their brothers Dr. Norman Allin of London, England, brother of the groom, and Dr. C. A. Langmaid of South Wales, Eng. They left on the evening train for Toronto amid showers of confetti, in order to take the Canadian Pacific steamship special for St. John, N.B., from which port they go on board the C.P.R. steamer Empress of Britain which will carry them to the Old Land in time for Christmas. Bowmanville Statesman, Dec. 18, 1907.



----- OBITUARIES -----


S. Charles Allin

July 21, 1877 ~ February 22, 1968

Samuel Charles Allin, successful farmer and fruit grower, passed away at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on February 22, 1968, in his 91st year.

  Last surviving son of Samuel Allin and his wife Jane Elford, the deceased was born at the original town line homestead near Providence. Later he moved with his parents to Allindale farm, Waverley Road, where he worked with his father and brothers in farm operations, specializing in purebred Shorthorn cattle.

  After his marriage to Irene Langmaid in 1907, Mr. and Mrs. Allin moved to the farm at Providence, now occupied by their son, Clare E. Allin, where they resided for 34 years. During this period Mr. Allin excelled in mixed farming, as well as being a prominent Shorthorn cattle breeder and apple grower.

  Charles Allin was secretary-treasurer of the Shorthorn Breeders’ Association for many years. He also served on the school board, was president of the local organization of the United Farmers of Ontario and a director of the Bowmanville Agricultural Society.

  For all of his life Mr. Allin attended Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, where he was a member and served as an elder and trustee. Following the musical tradition of his family, Charles Allin was actively engaged in the musical life of his church and community as tenor soloist and was a member of the Allin quartet and Trinity Church Choir. He was extremely interested in Foreign Missions and generously supported a number of these.

  Mr. Allin was predeceased by his wife by 16 years and also by an infant son, Charles George. Surviving are four children, Dorothy, Mrs. J. V. Marks, Scarborough; Ada, Mrs. Wesley J. Yellowlees, Enniskillen; Nan of Toronto; and Clare E. Allin, Bowmanville. Five grandchildren, Mrs. H. R. Jones, Scarborough; Dr. Robert C. Allin, Champaigne, Illinois, Harold G. Yellowlees, Bowmanville and Murray J. Yellowlees, Enniskillen and three great-grandchildren, Mark, Bruce and Sue-Ann Jones, Scarborough, also survive.

  The funeral service, conducted by the Rev. G. K. Ward, minister of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, was held at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 24th, 1968. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery.

  Pallbearers were Messrs. Alfred Allin, Samuel Allin, Glenn Pickell, Norman Brown, Francis Thompson and Ross Lane.

  Many beautiful floral tributes and contributions to the Heart Fund, Gideon Bibles, Canadian Bible Society and Foward Baptist Church Memorial Organ Fund indicate the esteem in which Mr. Allin was held. Bowmanville Statesman, Mar. 6, 1968.


Irene E. Langmaid Allin

January 6, 1887 ~ April 11, 1952


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