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Sarah Joness  (1833 ~ 1896)


4.1.1. First child of Mary Elford and Matthew Joness, Sarah Joness, was born c. 1833, in Darlington Twp., Newcastle Dist., Upr. Can. 

  She married George Haines, c. 1858, in Darlington Twp., Durham Co., Ontario.

  Sarah Joness Haines died September 16, 1896, aged 63 years and George Haines died November 22, 1902, aged 81 years in Darlington Twp., Ontario, and are interred in Bowmanville Cemetery.



----- OBITUARIES -----


Sarah Joness Haines

1833 ~ September 16, 1896

At Prospect Cottage, Darlington, on Wednesday, September 16, 1896, Sarah Joness, beloved wife of George Haines, Police Magistrate of Bowmanville, aged 63 years. Bowmanville Statesman, Sept. 23, 1896.


George Haines, Esq.

March 6, 1821 ~ November 22, 1902

With sincerest sorrow we chronicle the sudden demise of a very worthy and honored citizen, George Haines, Esq., Justice of the Peace, and late Police Magistrate for this town. Deceased met with a serious accident about a year ago at the G. T. R. station when alighting from a train and being a very heavy man he has not since been able to walk. He then resigned the office of Police Magistrate and has since lived quietly at his farm home, Prospect Cottage, Darlington township, just east of the town.

  Squire Haines was admirably fitted for the office of Magistrate being exceedingly well informed and possessing in a remarkable degree the spirit of fairness which enabled him to administer the law in righteousness, his decisions generally meeting with public approval. He was a lovable man, kindly disposed towards his fellow man, and bore in his person and demeanor the marks of a real English gentleman. Often have we sought his counsel and were invariably met by the courtesy and attention for which very many others have been placed under obligation to him.  He will be missed by our citizens. We have far too few men of his stamp in this country and we regret it exceedingly. 

  Deceased was born in Cornwall, England, on March 6, 1821, and came to Canada in the year 1838 and settled in the then village of Bowmanville. After the incorporation of the town he served many years as member of the Town Council and also filled the office of Reeve and Mayor of the town for several years. He was appointed Police Magistrate for the town of Bowmanville in 1874, a position which he filled with great ability until February 1902.

  Mr. Haines twice married his first wife being a daughter of the late Roger Cole, sr., and his second wife who died about six years ago was a daughter of the late Matthew Joness, J.P.  He leaves two sons—Mr. George C. Haines, carriage maker of this town; and Mr. John Haines, Detroit, Mich. His daughters Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. John Broad, Detroit, are both dead. He was a Liberal in politics and a member and regular attendant of the Methodist church.

  The funeral Monday was very largely attended. The Town Council and officials attended the body and most and officials attended in a body and most of the business men were present too. Places of business wer closed during the hour and the flag floated at half-mast from the town buildings. Revs. D. O. Crossley and William Joliffe conducted the services. The pall-bearers were Messrs. J. B. Fairbairn, P.M., George McGill, W. B. Couch, Thomas Hoar, Jacob Pollard and Richard Jarvis. The floral tributes included a very beautiful harp from the sons and families. We understand that he made no will, though he leaves a valuable estate here. He had also a considerable interest in an estate in England which by right of heirship falls to his eldest son, Mr. George C. Haines. Bowmanville Statesman, Nov. 26, 1902.    


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