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Martha Marion Elford  (1864 ~ 1961) Second child of John Elford and Fanny Colton, Martha Marion Elford, was born October 3, 1864, in Hampton, Darlington Twp., Durham Co., Ontario.

  She married John Switzer Huffman, son of Charles Willard Huffman and Maria Switzer, March 25, 1885, in Langdon, Cavalier Co., North Dakota, U.S. and had eight children: 


  • (  Harry Warner  (1886 ~ 1950) 

  • (  Ada Augustus  (1889 ~ 1923)    

  • (  Willard George  (1893 ~ 1984) 

  • (  Edith Fanny  (1895 ~ 1962) 

  • (  Kenneth Elford  (1895 ~ 1978)    

  • (  Charles Rogers  (1899 ~ 1902) 

  • (  John Carlton “Jack”  (1903 ~ 1988) 

  • (  Alberta Winnifred  (1906 ~ 1997)


  Martha M. Elford Huffman died March 28, 1961, aged 96 years and John S. Huffman died November 9, 1921, aged 70 years in Walhalla, Pembina Co., North Dakota, U.S. and are interred at Walhalla Hillside Cemetery.



----- OBITUARIES -----


Martha M. Elford Huffman

October 3, 1864 ~ March 28, 1961

Funeral services were held from the Walhalla Presbyterian Church Friday, March 31, at 2 p.m., for Mrs. John Huffman, 96, Walhalla’s oldest resident, who passed away at her home Tuesday, March 28, 1961. Rev. H. R. Senecal, church pastor was in charge, assisted by Rev. Henry Larsen of the Assemblies of God church in Grafton. Burial was in the church cemetery. 

  Pallbearers were Charles E. Metelmann, Percy Hardy, Lloyd Hurley, Carl Goschke, John C. Soeby and Stanley Metelmann. Nelson Funeral Home of Walhalla was in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Russell McBain was organist and Linda Stevenson and Joseph Bannister sang solos. 

  Martha Marion Elford was born in Bowmanville, Durham County, Ontario, Canada, October 3, 1864, the daughter of John and Fanny Bond Colton Elford. In 1883, when she was 19 years of age, she came to North Dakota with her parents and four brothers and settled on a farm six miles north of Walhalla. 

  She was married to John Switzer Huffman, March 25, 1885, and settled on a farm a short distance from her parent’s homestead. In the fall of 1920 they moved to Walhalla to make their home. Mr. Huffman preceded her in death, November 9, 1921.

  She leaves to mourn her passing, three sons, Willard G., and Kenneth E., of Walhalla, and John C., of Blackduck, Minn., and two daughters, Mrs. W. E. (Edith) McMurchie of Walhalla and Mrs. Harold L. (Alberta) Boyd of Washington, Iowa; 13 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sons, Harry W., and Charles, and one daughter, Mrs. Philip (Ada) Isaacs. Mrs. Huffman’s parents lost their lives in the Galveston flood of September 8, 1900

  Mrs. Huffman was a member of the Methodist church and was the last living chaffer member of the Walhalla Order of Eastern Star. Her passing was on the 62nd anniversary of her becoming a member of the local chapter. Walhalla Mountaineer, Apr. 6, 1961.


John S. Huffman

August 12, 1851 ~ November 9, 1921

At the family residence, Emmerling Avenue, Walhalla, N.D., on November 9, 1921, from heart failure, John S. Huffman, aged seventy years and three months.

  John S. Huffman was born near the city of Napanee, Ontario, on August 12, 1851, where he lived until he was about thirty years of age, when he came to North Dakota, in 1882. He did not stay here then, however, but went to Winnipeg where he remained for a year, returning to this state in 1883, and settled on a farm in the Crown Centre district. In 1885 he married Miss Martha Elford, and they have lived in the farm ever since, until last year, when they moved into Walhalla. To them were born: Harry, now of Regina, Ada, also of Regina, Willard, Kenneth, Edith, John and Alberta.

  Besides the wife and children, those left to mourn his death are three sisters: Mrs. S. Bell, of San Jose, Calif., Mrs. Joyce, of Napanee, Ont., and Mrs. Kyler, of Morven, Ont., and one brother, Dr. R. H. Huffman, of Walhalla. These have the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in the sudden death of Mr. Huffman.

  The funeral took place Friday afternoon, under the charge of the Masonic lodge of Walhalla. Rev. R. E. Vater, of Dickinson, a former pastor, preached the sermon, and he was assisted by Rev. Lyle D. Stone, of the Walhalla Presbyterian Church. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in Walhalla. The flowers were handsome, especially those from the family, the Masonic and O.E.S. lodges. The services held at the grave were beautiful and impressive. The pall-bearers were: John Fisk, George Best, Fred Hurley, William VanSlyck, W. R. McMurray and Sam Harvey.

  The friends and relatives from a distance were: Harry and Mrs. Isaacs from Regina, Fred and Russell Elford, brothers-in-law, and Mr. and Mrs. Hinch, cousins from Morden and Mr. and Mrs. Souch and daughter, Eva, of Langdon.

  Masons from over the county generally were in attendance to show the last respect to their departed brother. Walhalla Mountaineer, Nov. 18, 1921.


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