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Mabel Norma Louise Northcote  (1876 ~ 1941) First child of Ada L. Vanstone and Franklin Northcote, Mabel Norma Louise Northcote, was born March 26, 1876, in Welcome, Hope Twp., Durham Co., Ontario. 

  She married (1) William Arthur Gregory, son of Thomas Gregory and Jane Hampson, November 1, 1899, in Brantford, Brant Co., Ontario and had one child:


  • (  Thomas 'Frank' Northcote  (1903 ~ 1980)


  She married (2) Edward Bell, son of Charles Edward Bell and Eliza Ann Gomersall, c. 1908, in North Battleford, Saskatchewan and had two children:


  • (  Norman Edward  (1911 ~ 1997)

  • (  Anna Louise  (1913 ~ 2011)


  Mabel Norma L. Northcote Gregory Bell died October 7, 1941, aged 65 years, in Boise, Idaho, U.S., and William A. Gregory died September 5, 1955, aged 83 years in North Battleford, Saskatchewan.


----- MARRIAGE -----



A quiet but one of the prettiest weddings of the season was that which took place at one o'clock this afternoon, when Miss Mabel Norma Northcote was united to Mr. William Arthur Gregory, of Schultz Bros. The ceremony took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Vanstone, 140 George Street, in the presence of only the immediate friends and relatives.

  Miss Northcote is well known in this city, having for the past four years acted as organist in the Wellingston Street Methodist Church. She is a great favourite, and has surrounded herself with a host of friends. The very great number of the presents are a token of the esteem in which she was held. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. John Pickering.

  Miss Northcote was ably assisted by her cousin, Miss Florence Tilley, of Bowmanville, and Miss Loretta Gregory, of Exeter, sister of the groom. Little Gertrude Winona Vanstone, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Vanstone, acted as maid of honour. The groom was supported by Messrs. Frank and Norman Northcote, twin brothers of the bride.

  The bride was very prettily attired in a white silk faille trimmed with chiffon. She carried white roses. Miss Tilley was gowned in a white silk, and Miss Gregory wore a white organdie. Both bridesmaids carried bouquets of pink and white roses. The maid of honour was daintily dressed in white silk. The bride's going-away gown was a grey homespun.

  The ceremony took place in the drawing room, which was very beautifully decorated with palms and ferns and chrysanthemums. Master Wilfred Vanstone, cousin of the bride, played Mendelssohn's wedding march. A very tasty dejeuner was served immediately after the ceremony, about eighteen guests sitting down.

  Among the presents were a mahogany cabinet from the choir of Wellington Street Church; a brass table from the Senior League, and an urn from the Junior League. The groom's gift to the bride was a very handsome sable and seal cape, and to the bridesmaids and maid of honour opal and pearl pins. An abundance of handsome cut flowers were received from a cousin in Pontiac, Mich.

  The happy couple left on the 3:40 train for Detroit, Exeter and other places, and on their return will reside at 100 Clarence Street. Mrs. Gregory will be at home to her friends after the 22nd of this month. Brantford Expositor, Nov. 1, 1899.


----- OBITUARIES -----


Norma L. Northcote Gregory Bell

March 26, 1876 ~ October 7, 1941

Mrs. Norma Louise Bell, 61, active in Boise musical and church circles and the wife of Edward Bell of 1224 Hays Street, died suddenly of a heart attack early Tuesday afternoon at her home.

  A native of Toronto, Canada, Mrs. Bell was born March 26, 1880, and move to Boise in 1910.

  For many years she had been organist at the First Presbyterian church and had taught piano.

  Surviving besides her husband are two sons, Frank N. Bell and Norman E. Bell, both of Boise; one daughter, Mrs. Anna Louise Herbert of Twin Falls, and two granddaughters.

  The body is at the Summers mortuary. Arrangements for services have not been completed. Idaho Daily Statesman, Oct. 8, 1941.


William A. Gregory

December 15, 1871 ~ September 5, 1955

William Arthur Gregory, a resident of North Battleford for the past fifty years, died on Monday, September 5, at the age of 83, after an illness of several years duration. He was born in Exeter, Ontario, on December 15, 1871, he came here in 1905 and dealt in Real Estate and in 1924 was married to Angele Dastree. In the early days Mr. Gregory was a member of the Methodist Church and later sang in the United Church Choir. He was also a member of the I.O.O.F.

  Surviving are his wife, a son, Tom, of this city, a daughter, Mrs. Phyllis Howley of Sarnia, Ontario, a brother, Herbert, of Stratford, three sisters, Miss Stella Gregory, Stratford, Mrs. Loretta Cotten, Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. May Miller of Detroit, Michigan. Battleford News-Optimist, Sept. 14, 1955.


Edward Bell

February 9, 1881 ~ September 3, 1967

Services for Edward Bell, 86, of 1607 North Eighteenth, who died Sunday morning in a Boise nursing home, will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Summers Chapel by the Rev. Dr. Frank Rearick, pastor of the First United Presbyterian Church of Boise. Interment will follow at Morris Hill Cemetery.

  Born February 9, 1881, in Germany, Mr. Bell moved from Germany to Saskatchewan, Canada, as a young man. He married Norma Louise Northcote, a native of Braudau, Ontario, in North Battleford. In 1909, they came to Boise, where he worked for the J. L. Case Co. as a sales representative for many years. In the mid-1920s, he established his own business, the Bell Specialty Co., which he operated until his retirement about 20 years ago.

  Mr. Bell took an active part in the old Boise Civic Festival Chorus, known today as Music Week. He served as president of the chorus board in 1923 and was a candidate for mayor of Boise. He was also active in the fund drive which built the Boise YMCA at Eleventh and Idaho. His wife died in October of 1941.

  Surviving him are two sons, Norm E., and Frank N. Bell, both of Boise; a daughter, Anna Louise Olsen of Lake Grove, Ore.; four granddaughters and several great-grandchildren. Idaho Daily Statesman, Sept. 5, 1967.


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