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Frederick Norman Northcote  (1879 ~ 1929) Third child of Ada L. Vanstone and Franklin Northcote, Frederick 'Norman' Northcote, was born January 12, 1879, in Welcome, Hope Twp., Durham Co., Ontario. 

  He married (1) Elizabeth 'Lillian' Adams, daughter of Thomas Smith Adams and Eva Fellowes, July 2, 1904, in Toronto, Ontario and had two children:


  • (  Albert  (1905 ~ )

  • (  Ethel  (1907 ~ )


  F. Norman Northcote died June 5, 1929, aged 50 years, in Toronto, Ontario and E. Lillian Adams Northcote died June 28, 1946, aged 66 years in Bala, Ontario.


----- BIRTH -----


NORTHCOTE.On the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. F. Northcote, of Welcome, of twins. The mother and boys are doing well. Bowmanville Statesman, Jan. 17, 1879.


----- MARRIAGE -----



A pretty little wedding was solemnized at the Church of Epiphany, Parkdale, Saturday afternoon, July 2, 1904, at half-past three o'clock, when Miss E. Lillian Adams, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Adams, St. John, N.B., and Mrs. H. Cowan, of Toronto, was married to Mr. Norman Northcote, son of the late Mrs. A. Northcote, Bowmanville. The chancel and altar were prettily decorated with marguerites and ferns. Rev. B. Bryan officiated, and Miss Bryan played the wedding marches. The best man was Mr. Frank Northcote, the groom's brother, and the ushers were Mr. Byron S. Vanstone and Mr. Allan McAvity. The bridesmaid, Miss Amy Adams, the bride's sister, was prettily gowned in pale green, large white hat with feathers, and carried pink roses. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. George F. Adams. She wore a stylish costume of navy blue cloth, the coat opening over a dainty white lawn and lace blouse, and the smart white hat was of straw, with ribbon trimmings. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's mother, at which only the relatives and intimate friends of both families were present. The rooms were effectively decorated with peonies, marguerites and palms. Mr. and Mrs. Northcote left by the 5:20 train for the East. On their return they will reside in Empress Crescent, Parkdale. A number of very handsome presents testified to the popularity of the young couple. Bowmanville Statesman, July 13, 1904.


----- OBITUARIES -----


F. Norman Northcote

January 12, 1879 ~ June 5, 1929

NORTHCOTE—On Wednesday, June 5, 1929, at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, F. Norman Northcote.

  Service on Thursday, June 6, at 3 p.m., from A. W. Miles' Funeral Chapel, 30 St. Clair Avenue West. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. Toronto Star, June 5, 1929.


E. Lillian Adams Northcote

January 28, 1880 ~ June 28, 1946

On Friday afternoon, June 28th, there passed away in Bala after a short illness patiently borne, Elizabeth Lillian Adams Northcote, widow of the late Frederick Norman Northcote and daughter of the late Thomas S. and Eva Fellowes-Adams, in her 67th year.

  Born in St. John, N.B., she attended Rothsay School and at Antill Windsor, N.S. An accomplished musician, she studied for two years in London, England, and Paris, France. Organist for Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Bala, for many years, she was a staunch supporter of the church and what it stands for. A lover of animals and flowers and children, her work and thoughts were for the young people in their spiritual and secular well-being.

  A most hospitable person, one was always welcome to her fireside, where many a restful and enjoyable evening was had by many. Her generosity to those in need and distress will be long remembered by the recipients. Making her home in Bala some 35 years ago, she built a lovely summer home on the Bala-Torrance highway and a few years ago she built the winter residence, Long Lake Lodge, where her late brother George F. Adams (until his death a correspondent of The Banner) did much to landscape the extensive grounds.

  The funeral service was held from Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Bala, on Monday afternoon, July 1st, with a fully choral service, Rev. S. M. Cramer being in charge assisted by Rev. (Chaplain) Charles E. Large. The casket was covered by a lovely cross of Canterbury Bells. The many floral tributes of garden flowers, of which the deceased was fond, were received, showing with what esteem and affection she was held.

  Interment was in the Anglican Cemetery at Torrance.

  Pall bearers were Oliver McNeil, George Clements, Gordon Ing, Harold Wilson, Arthur Alton and Russell Cope.

  Our deepest sympathy goes out to the surviving members of the family: Sisters, Mrs. Hamie McPhee, Mrs. Amy McAvity (St. John, N.B.), Douglas of Sault Ste. Marie, and James of Toronto, brothers. Gravenhurst Banner, July 4, 1946.


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