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George Thomas Adams  (1893 ~ 1972)


5.8.4. Fourth child of James Adams and Dinah Isabella Perry, George Thomas Adams, was born January 13, 1893, W. Luther Twp., Wellington Co., Ontario. 

  He married Flora Ann Johnson, daughter of John Johnson and Jane Campbell, July 18, 1917, Arthur Twp., Wellington Co., Ontario, and had two children:  



  George T. Adams died February 20, 1972, aged 78 years and Flora A. Johnson Adams died December 9, 1971, aged 79 years in Mount Forest, Ontario, and are interred at Mount Forest Cemetery.




----- MARRIAGE -----



On Wednesday, July 18, 1917, at the home of the bride’s parents, Flora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, of the 11th of Arthur, to Mr. George Adams, of Conn. Mount Forest Confederate, Aug. 2, 1917.


----- ANNIVERSARY -----


50th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. George Adams celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home on John Street on Tuesday, July 18, 1967, when they were at home to friends and relatives. Nearly one hundred guests called to offer congratulations and best wishes.

  Afternoon showers interfered with plans for gathering on the lawn and all had to be moved inside. In the evening heavy rain necessitated moving to the Legion Hall where a large crowd gathered and reminiscing and visiting was enjoyed.

  Tea was served by their eldest granddaughter, Faye Adams, St. Catharines, and three nieces, Isla Johnson, Farewell; Marion Cherry, town; and Verna Bruce, Grand Valley. Several other nieces and nephews attended including Gladys Bottrill, North Surrey, B.C. and Norma Rae, Georgetown.

 In the afternoon the Guest Book was presided over by their other two granddaughters, Gail and Judy Adams, and in the evening by their son, Gordon and his wife, Betty.

  Mr. and Mrs. Adams received many gifts and numerous cards from those unable to attend.

  Mr. Adams is the second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, Conn, and Mrs. Adams is the former Florence Johnson, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Farewell. They have two sons, Jack Adams, Carleton Place; Gordon Adams, St. Catharines, and four grandchildren, all of whom with their two daughter-in-law, Cora and Betty, were entertained at a family dinner at Varney on Sunday, July 16, which was also Jack’s birthday. Unfortunately Jack had to return to Carleton Place early Tuesday. Mount Forest Confederate, July 27, 1967.



----- OBITUARIES -----


George T. Adams

George T. Adams, a well-known resident of Mount Forest, passed away Sunday, February 20, 1972, at Louise Marshall Hospital. He was in his 80th year.

  Mr. Adams, son of the late James Adams and his wife, the former Dinah Perry, was born in the Conn area. On July 18, 1917, he was married to the former Florence Johnson, who preceased him on December 9, 1971. Mr. and Mrs. Adams moved to Detroit in 1923, where they lived until 1930 and lived south of Kenilworth until 1937. They also operated a general store at Conn and lived for a time at Welland before coming to Mount Forest in 1951.

  He is survived by two sons, John, Mount Forest; and Gordon, St. Catharines; four grandchildren; and two brothers, Edwin and Stanley, both of Mount Forest. He was predeceased by two brothers and four sisters, Robert, Detroit; and William, Cedarville; Martha, Mrs. Walter Samuel; Catharine, Mrs. Andrew Morrison; Florence, Mrs. Alex Graham; and Gertrude, Mrs. Stanley Herriot.

  The funeral and committal services were held at the Hendrick Funeral Home, Mount Forest, with the Rev. George Wright officiating. Interment was in Mount Forest Cemetery.

  The honorary pallbearers were Jack Johnson, Dan Johnson, James Waters, Alvin Adams, Allan Samuel, Clifford Adams, Clarence Morrison and William Johnson. Mount Forest Confederate, Mar. 2, 1972.


Flora A. Johnson Adams

October 31, 1892 ~ December 9, 1971

Mrs. George Adams, a well-known resident of Mount Forest, passed away Thursday, December 9, 1971, at Louise Marshall Hospital, in her 80th year. 

  Mrs. Adams was the former Florence Johnson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Arthur Township. On July 18, 1917 she was married to George Adams. They operated the general store at Conn before moving to Mount Forest about forty-one years ago (1930). 

  She is survived by her husband; two sons, John, Palmerston; and Gordon, St. Catharines; two brothers, Colin and Roy Johnson, and one sister, Jean, Mrs. Allan Waters, Mount Forest. There are four grandchildren. She was predeceased by one sister, Pearl, Mrs. James Harper.

  The funeral was held from the Hendrick Funeral Chapel on Saturday, December 11, with the Rev. George Wright and Dr. A. F. Lavender officiating. Interment was in Mount Forest Cemetery.

  The pallbearers were nephews, James Waters, Dan Johnson, Jack Johnson, Allan Samuel, Alvin Adams and Clifford Adams.

  The numerous floral tributes testified to the esteem in which Mrs. Adams was held. They were carried by Robert Adams, Faye Adams, Gail Adams, Patti-Jo McLellan, Bruce Johnson and Ronnie Waters. Mount Forest Confederate, Dec. 16, 1971.


John Johnson

May 16, 1863 ~ April 3, 1925

On Friday, April 3, 1925, the death took place after a trying but patiently borne illness of nine months, of John Johnson, a life-long and much esteemed resident of Arthur Township.

  Mr. Johnson was the son of the late Ronald Johnson and Jane McLellan, pioneers of the 11th of Arthur. He was born there on May 16, 1863. Twenty-three years ago he married Jane Campbell, who survives with a family of five: Florence, Mrs. George Adams, Detroit; Jean at home, Pearl, Mrs. James Harper, O.S.R., South; Roy at home; and Colin of Detroit. There survive also two brothers, Angus of Mount Forest; and Peter of Eston, Sask. A sister, Mrs. John McLellan, of Park River, N.D., and a brother Alexander, of Crookstown, N.D. are deceased.

  Mr. Johnson was a man of sterling worth, and was greatly respected. He took an especial interest in Bethel Church and as elder, manager, Sunday School Superintendent and treasurer did a great deal to maintain ordinances.

  The funeral on the following Monday to the Mount Forest Cemetery, was very largely attended. The Rev. James Stewart conducted the services. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Alex. McEachern, Alex. St. J. McEachern, Angus McEachern, Wellington Williamson, R. M. Harper and Ronald Johnson. Mount Forest Confederate, Apr. 16, 1925.


Jane Campbell Johnson

September 13, 1867 ~ October 6, 1949

Many friends and relatives were shocked to learn of the sudden passing away of Mrs. John Johnson Thursday evening, October 6, 1949, in her 83rd year, at the home of her son-in-law, A. K. Waters.

  Mrs. Johnson, the former Jennie Campbell, was born on the 11th of Arthur in 1867, daughter of the late Colin and Flora Campbell. She lived her entire life in and around this vicinity.

  On December 9, 1891, she married John Johnson, son of the late Ronald and Jane Johnson of the township of Arthur who predeceased her some 24 years ago.

  The funeral which was largely attended was held in the United Church, Mount Forest, on Saturday, October 8th with the Rev. J. W. Pratt conducting the service.

  The pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased, John Adams; Gordon Adams, James Waters, John Johnson, Dan Johnson, William Johnson.

  The many beautiful flowers testified to the high esteem in which Mrs. Johnson was held. Those carrying flowers were: Messrs. W. D. Coutts, Edwin Adams, George Kennedy, Bevan Allan, Floyd Rae, Mac Coutts, Donald McLellan, Frank Baird, Joe Loree.

  Interment was made in Mount Forest cemetery.

  Those left to mourn are three daughters and two sons: Flora, Mrs. George Adams of Welland; Jean, Mrs. A. K. Waters, Pearl, Mrs. James Harpet, Roy Johnson, Colin Johnson, all of Mount Forest. One brother, Colin G. Campbell of Edmonton, Alta.; and 11 grand-children. A sister, Mary, Mrs. J. Runciman, predeceased her about ten years ago. Mount Forest Confederate, Oct. 13, 1949.


Ronald Johnson

January 15, 1825 ~ April 5, 1909

In the death of Ronald Johnson, Sr., Arthur township loses another of its old pioneers. He was born in Islay, Scotland, in 1825 and came to Canada as a young man in 1846 and worked in Erin township for some years. In 1851 he came to Arthur and took up the present homestead of 100 acres, Lot 15, Concession 10, which he cleared from the bush. He retired from active work some years ago and lived with his son, Angus, who resides on the homestead. In 1860 he married Jane McLellan, of Arthur township, who survives him along with four sons: Alexander, of Crookston, U.S.A.; John, of Arthur Tp.; Peter L., Rouleau, Sask.; Angus, at home; Katie, the late Mrs. John McLellan, of Park River, N.D., having died in December, 1907. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon to Bethel cemetery. Mount Forest Representative, Apr. 8, 1909.


Jane McLellan Johnson

November 4, 1931 ~ April 19, 1909

There died at Farewell on Monday morning [April 19, 1909], Jane McLellan, relict of the late Ronald Johnson, just two weeks after the death of her husband. Deceased was also born in Islay, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1848. In 1861 she was married to Ronald Johnson, and lived on their homestead, Lot 15, Con. 10. She leaves four sons, Alexander, of Crookston, U.S.; John, Arthur Tp.; Peter L., of Rouleau, Sask., Angus, on the homestead.  One daughter, Katie, the late Mrs. John McLellan, of Park River, N.D., died in December, 1907. She has also one surviving brother in Brandon, Man. Both Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were Presbyterian of the sturdy pioneer type. The funeral of the late Mrs. Johnson took place yesterday to Bethel cemetery, the Rev. D. Currie conducting the services. Mount Forest Confederate, Apr. 22, 1909.

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