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Ambrose Elford  (1792 ~ 1862)


6. Sixth child of Isaac Elford and Mary Tregenna, Ambrose Elford, was born May 2, 1792, in Duloe, Cornwall, England, U.K  

  He married Elizabeth Mennear, daughter of Peter Mennear and Janetta Tucker, May 15, 1819, in St. Dennis, Cornwall, England and had eight children: 


  • (6.1)  Jonathan  (1821 ~ 1862)    

  • (6.2)  Mary  (1822 ~ 1900) 

  • (6.3)  Elizabeth  (1823 ~ 1912) 

  • (6.4)  Jane  (1825 ~ 1899)    

  • (6.5)  Isaac  (1828 ~ 1894) 

  • (6.6)  Frances  (1830 ~ 1852) 

  • (6.7)  Ambrose  (1834 ~ 1855)    

  • (6.8)  Ann  (1836 ~ 1919) 


  Ambrose Elford died August 26, 1862, aged 70 years and Elizabeth Mennear Elford died April 21, 1884, aged 88 years in Hampton, Ontario, and are interred at Eldad Cemetery.


----- OBITUARY -----


Elizabeth Mennear Elford

January 20, 1796 ~ April 21, 1884

Elizabeth Elford, the subject of this brief sketch, was the daughter of Peter and Janetta Minnar, of St. Dennis, Cornwall, England. She was born January 20, 1796. She was in early life an attendant at the English Church, but about the year 1810 the Wesleyan minister came and preached in that neighbourhood. She attended and became deeply interested in the thing which belonged to her peace. Shortly after Mr. O’Bryan, the founder of the B. C. Church, visited that place and she became converted to Good at the age of 17 and obtained a consciousness of her acceptance with God by faith in the blood of Christ, and united, I believe, with the new body. She was united in marriage to the late Ambrose Elford, in the year 1819; as he also followed Jesus they became heirs together of the grace of life. She came to Canada with her late husband in the year 1833, and for while settled on the 2nd concession of Darlington. They attended the B. C. ministry of the first missionary. They united with the B. C. Church, and amidst all the changes which have taken place she maintained her Christian profession without wavering and was a consistent member of the church of her choice until God took her to the church in heaven. She was a great lover of the house of the Lord and all the means of grace and was a regular in her attendance until sickness prevented her. She did what she could to train her family for God and heaven, and had the satisfaction of seeing them all walking in the way to heaven, where she hoped to meet them to part no more for ever. As she served God in life He supported her in death, and she said to her pastor that she was trusting in the unchangeable faithfulness of God to fulfil His promise, and so He did, and she fell sweetly asleep in Jesus without a struggle at 11 o’clock on April 21, 1884, leaving 5 children, 48 grandchildren, and 51 great-grandchildren to mourn their loss. Her remains were take to the Eldad church, where the writer improved her death, and her mortal remains were laid beside her husband to await the call of her Judge. May we all be ready, is the prayer of the writer. J. Whitluck. West Durham News, May 16, 1884.


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