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William Joseph Ullyot  (1865 ~ 1924) Eleventh child of Mary Elford and Thomas Ullyot, William Joseph Ullyot, was born November 6, 1865, in Oshawa, E. Whitby Twp., Ontario Co., Ontario.

 She married Priscilla Mulholland, son of Joseph McHolland and Sarah, June 23, 1885, in Oshawa, Ontario and had nine children:


  • (  Carrie Lena  (1885 ~ 1968)  

  • (  Russell William  (1887 ~ 1964)

  • (  Cora May  (1888 ~ 1968)    

  • (  Margaret Belle  (1890 ~ 1979)  

  • (  Olive Priscilla  (1892 ~ 1982)  

  • (  Reuben Joseph  (1894 ~ 1989)  

  • (  Ambrose Edward Roy  (1895 ~ 1946)  

  • (  Willa  (1898 ~ 1908)  

  • (  Raymond Elford  (1904 ~ 1972)  


  William J. Ullyot died September 25, 1924, aged 58 years and Priscilla Mulholland died October 10, 1929, aged 63 years in Harvey Twp., North Dakota, U.S. and are interred Harvey Center Cemetery.



----- OBITUARIES -----


William J. Ullyot

November 6, 1865 ~ September 25, 1924

William J. Ullyot of Harvey township, passed away at his home in Harvey township last Thursday morning, September 25, 1924. He had been ill for several months and for the past three months had failed rapidly. A few weeks ago his condition became critical and since that time the members of the family realized that the end was near.

Mr. Ullyot was born in Ontario, Canada, and at the time of his death was 58 years, 10 months and 19 days of age. His boyhood days were spent in Ontario and, before leaving there, he married Miss Priscilla Mulholland, who still survives. To them were born nine children. One daughter died when about ten years of age. The others are Mrs. Carrie Kilshaw of Regina, Sask.; Mrs. Russell Gallagher of Imperial, Sask.; Mrs. Leslie Seeley of Sask.; Olive Ullyot of Regina, Sask.; Russell and Roy of Simpson, Sask.; Reuben of Instow, Sask. and Ray of Langdon. It was expected that all of the members of the family would be able to return to Langdon to attend the funeral. Brothers and sisters of the deceased who are still living are Thomas Ullyot of Langdon, Isaac Ullyot of Hannah, George Ullyot of Winnipeg, Mrs. Jane Moore of Manitoba, Mrs. Andrew Kirkpatrick of Laura, Sask., and Mrs. George Skinner of Langdon.

  In the year 1886 or 1887 Mr. Ullyot and family came to Cavalier County and homesteaded land in Harvey township, where they have since continuously resided. The original homestead is now but a part of the large Ullyot farm. He was a successful farmer, a good neighbor and leaves a great many whose acquaintance he has enjoyed during the many years of his residence in this county.

  The funeral services were conducted from the home in Harvey township on Monday afternoon, September 29th by Rev. Mr. Duden of the Methodist Episcopal church of Langdon. The pall bearers, Alex McFarlane, Robert Murie, Donald McLauchlan, Mike Kelly, Bert Welsh and John McDowall were all old neighbors and friends who have lived in Harvey since pioneer days. The services at the grave were conducted by officers and members of Lebanon Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of which the deceased had been a member for many years.  Interment was made in the Harvey township cemetery. Cavalier County Republican, Oct. 2, 1924.


Priscilla Mulholland Ullyot

March 3, 1862 ~ October 10, 1929

Funeral services were held at the family home in Harvey Township Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock for Mrs. William Ullyot who passed away Thursday afternoon, October 10, 1929, after a year’s illness. Rev. A. R. Henry of Langdon was in charge of the services. Interment was in Harvey cemetery. The pall bearers were Hugh McDowall, Arnold Seeley, George Welsh, Archie McDonald, Alex McFarlane and Robert Murie, neighbors of the family since pioneer days.

  Priscilla Mulholland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mulholland, was born at Oshawa, Ont., March 3, 1862. She was raised in that community and there married William Ullyot with whom she came to Cavalier County in 1889 to take up a homestead in Harvey Township, which is still the family home. She was preceded in death by her husband who passed away in September, 1924. Besides the children, Mrs. Ullyot leaves one brother, William Mulholland, residing in Toronto, Ont.

  Children who survive are Mrs. Carrie Kilshaw of Regina, Sask.; Russell Ullyot of Harvey Township, Mrs. Russell Gullacher of Imperial, Sask.; Mrs. Leslie Sieley of Vancouver, B.C.; Olive Ullyot of Regina, Sask.; Ruben Ullyot of Lethbridge, Alta.; Roy Ullyot, Simpson, Sask.; and Ray Ullyot of Lethbridge, Alta.

  During her long residence in Harvey Township Mrs. Ullyot was a member and active worker in the Methodist Episcopal church and will be greatly missed by membersof the various organizations with whom she labored. Cavalier County Republican, Oct. 17, 1929.  


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