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Ambrose Edward Ullyot  (1869 ~ 1945) First child of Isaac Ullyot and Mary Cameron, Ambrose Edward Ullyot, was born October 29, 1869, in Oshawa, E. Whitby Twp., Ontario Co., Ontario.

  He married Ella May Platt, daughter of Frederick Platt and Sarah, December 19, 1894, in Harvey Twp., Cavalier Co., North Dakota, U.S.


  • (  Edna May  (1895 ~ 1988)  

  • (  Frederick L.  (1901 ~ 1903)  

  • (  Marion Frances  (1904 ~ 1972)  


  Ambrose E. Ullyot died November 6, 1945, aged 76 years and Ella M. Platt Ullyot died November 17, 1948, aged 74 years in Langdon, North Dakota and are interred at Harvey Cemetery.



----- OBITUARIES -----


Ambrose E. Ullyot

October 29, 1869 ~ November 6, 1945

Funeral services for Ambrose Ullyot will be held at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon (Thursday) at the Belzer & Brooks funeral home in Langdon. Mr. Ullyot, a resident of Cavalier County for 62 years and a member of one of the earliest pioneer families of Harvey Township, passed away at his home in Langdon Tuesday afternoon, November 6, 1945, at about 2:45 o’clock, after an illness of seven months duration.

  Rev. S. J. Brooks will be in charge of the funeral. Pall-bearers who will carry the remains to the grave in Harvey Cemetery will be Miles Reed, Otto Dettler, Loren Elenbaum, Robert Q. Price, A. M. Greenshields and Elmer Knutson. Honorary pall-bearers will be Hugh and Don McDowall, Bert Welsh, H. E. Close, Otto Rasmusson and J. C. Johnson of Langdon and B. E. Groom and D. F. McDonald of Fargo.

  Ambrose Edward, son of Isaac and Mary Ullyot, was born October 22, 1869, Oshawa, Ont. The family came to Cavalier County in 1883 and homesteaded in Harvey Township.

  Mr. Ullyot was married to Ella Mae Platt December 19, 1894, at the Harvey Center Church. The family moved from Harvey township to Langdon in 1920 and have since resided there.

  Mr. Ullyot attended the Methodist church in Harvey and Langdon and served as a trustee of the Langdon church for a number of years. He was also active in county fair circles, serving as an officer or director for more than a quarter of a century. He had been a member of Lebanon Lodge No. 34 A. F. & A. M. since 1893 and at the time of his death was the second oldest member of the lodge in point of years of membership.

  The widow survives with two daughters, Edna and Marion, both at home. Two sisters also surive. The are Mrs. Lovisa McLean of Hannah and Mrs. Lillie MacDonald of Langdon. Herbert J. Ullyot of Oakland, Calif., is an adopted brother who also survives. Cavalier County Republican, Nov. 8, 1945.


Ella M. Platt Ullyot

August 16, 1874 ~ November 17, 1948

Funeral services for Mrs. Ella Mae Ullyot, Cavalier County pioneer woman who died at Langdon Wednesday, November 17, 1948, at 3:15 p.m., were conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Brooks Funeral Home in Langdon.

  Rev. S. J. Brooks wasin charge of the service and special music was provided by Michael Tourand, who sang “Oh, Dry Those Tears” and “Lead Kindly Light.” He was accompanied by Mrs. Lucile Pierce. Friends who carried the remains to the burial plot in the Harvey Center Cemetery were Loren Elenbaum, R. A. Bear, Elmer Knutson, John Fetsch, Morris Robillard and Nels Paulson.

  Mrs. Ullyot, the former Ella Mae Platt, was born in August 16, 1874, the daughter of Frederick and Sarah Platt, St. Catharines, Ont. She came to Cavalier County in 1893 and was married December 19, 1894, at the Harvey Center church to Ambrose E. Ullyot, a member of one of the earliest pioneer families of Harvey Township. The family moved from Harvey Township in 1920 and has continued to reside at Langdon. Mr. Ullyot passed away November 6, 1945.

  Wednesday of last week Mrs. Ullyot became ill during the day and was taken to a Langdon hospital where she suffered an acute heart attack while being brought into the hospital and died almost immediately. She was a member of the Church of England.

  Mrs. Ullyot leaves two daughters, Edna and Marion, both at home, and one sister, Mrs. Irvin Witheridge, of Tacoma, Wash. A son died in infancy.

  Those from a distance who came to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Witheridge, who arrived Friday. They were brought here by Palmer Freed of Devils Lake and will spend a few days visiting in the Langdon vicinity before returning to Tacoma. Cavalier County Republican, Nov. 25, 1948.  


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