Esther Etta Ullyot (1859 ~ 1925)
6.2.9. Ninth child of Mary Elford and Thomas Ullyot, Esther Etta Ullyot, was born August 16, 1859, in Oshawa, E. Whitby Twp., Durham Co., Ontario.
She married Andrew Kirkpatrick, son of Andrew Kirkpatrick and Isabella Taylor, April 27, 1879, in Oshawa, Ontario and had four children:
( Ernest Elmo (1882 ~ 1953)
( Edith Alberta (1892 ~ 1956)
( Gordon Elford (1895 ~ 1964)
( Crystal Belle (1905 ~ 1973)
Esther E. Ullyott Kirkpatrick died January 28, 1925, aged 65 years in Regina, Saskatchewan, and Andrew Kirkpatrick died February 28, 1932, aged 73 years in Delisle, Saskatchewan.
----- OBITUARY -----
Albert E. Oke
1857 ~ March 28, 1903
Mr. Albert Edward Oke one of Langdon's pioneer residents died at about one o'clock Saturday morning after battling for three weeks with a complication of lung troubles that had rendered his illness critical from the first. The news came as a shock however to friends here and through the surrounding neighborhood, where for twenty years he had ranked among the most highly respected of old settlers. Mr. Oke was about forty five years old when death came and leaves a widow and family off three sons and two daughters. His life had been a useful and active one and the family find at the taking off of the husband and father their future wants carefully provided for. By him The Independent Order of Foresters and Workmen, of which orders the deceased was a member had charge of the largely attended funeral held Sunday afternoon from the M.E. church, the services being conducted by Rev. Marsh. Those from a distance at the funeral were two brothers and the aged father of the deceased who reside in the vicinity of Morden, Man. Few of the old residents of Langdon will be more missed than "Ab" Oke who was an exemplary citizen, a man of large sympathies and living as he understood his duty a Christian life. Since he quit active farming and came to live in Langdon about ten years ago he served several terms as a member of the city council with credit to himself and in the interests of public welfare. Langdon Courier Democrat, Apr. 2, 1903.